One-Handed Nailset And Chisel

Figure 2. The completed device, where the custom nailset tip is at the bottom right.

A nailset and chisel that the client can operate with one hand. The design is based on modifications to a commercial staple gun.

Flow-Controlled Sports Bottle

Figure 1. Client with flow-controlled sports bottle

A two-cup system that limits the amount of fluid that the user consumes. This prevents the client, who has traumatic brain injury, from taking in too much fluid at once and choking.

Small Item Counter

Fig.1 Small Item Counter Device

A counting device that helps employees keep track of how many items they are assembling for packaging.

Counter Revolution: The Audible Counter

Figure 1. The Audible Counter

A “talking” counter that, for each press of a button, counts up by one and announces the current count. This helps employees keep track of the work that they have accomplished.

The Personal Attendant Call: Improved communication between patient and attendant

Figure 4. The Personal Attendant Call – attendant and patient unit

A personal attendent call that is simple to use, and conveys one of three different messages to the aide.

Hearing Loss Simulator

Figure 1: Screenshot of the hearing loss simulator program

A computer program that modifies a sound clip based on a child’s audiogram. This enables the parent or caregiver to “hear” as their child hears, and better understand the extent of the child’s hearing loss.

C-PAD: Audible item counter for vocational training

Figure 1: Client Using C-Pad

This counter is designed to introduce students to the process of template counting utilized by many vocational sites, as well as increase their personal understanding of numbers. As the user places a “widget” on the template, it provides them with the current count.

Moveable Arm Support

Figures 1a and b: When the client kicks out his right foot, the device lifts his right arm. When the client kicks out both feet, the device lifts both arms. This allows him to easily control the lifting of his arms for eating, reading, and other everyday tasks.

This device is a pulley system that enables an adult with peripheral neuromuscular disease to lift his arms by kicking out his legs. This is used in conjunction with his wheelchair to aid in eating and other tasks.

Walker Monitor

Figure 1: Client with Walker Monitor

Users of rolling walkers who have Parkinson’s disease sometimes experience “freezing of gait” episodes in which a loss of balance causes serious injury when operating a walker. This device alerts the user at the onset of an episode, helping them to “break the freeze” and maintain their balance.

Sight n’ Sound Shower Timer (SSS Timer)

Figure 1: SSS Timer with 4 minutes, 9 seconds remaining on task 1. The circular lights show the relative time remaining. The illuminated square shows the current task. Icons can be printed on transparencies and placed over the 8 squares to illustrate each of the tasks.

The SSS Timer is a multi-step programmable timer to help the user transition through a series of tasks at the appropriate times.